Morning tour of the State Capital Building
beautiful gold leaf dome
Ethan Allen
A Vermont hero - more than a furniture namesake.
He was a Green Mountain Boy. They were the first to respond to the British attack in the Revolutionary War because they had become armed to fight the tax collectors from New York and New Hampshire. Both states had claimed Vermont as their territory and the Green Mountain Boys were fed up with the double taxation and decided to fight them off. Thus they were the first ones armed and ready to fight the British.
Today, liberty and independence are still of utmost importance to them.
Hope Cemetery
This is more than an ordinary cemetery, it is mostly viewed as an outdoor art gallery.
People spend lots of time, money, energy in selecting a granite stone and a granite sculptor to secure their space in this unique territory.
Many of the head stones have no date, because people plan way ahead for their 'location'.
It is very much a social status preoccupation to get the 'best sculptor' and the 'best stone' from the
Barre Granite Quarry.
The tour that we got was hysterical - funny stories, and sculptures which ranged from beautiful to very odd.
This one cost well over a million dollars and took 34 years for the owner to select the
'most perfect stones' that he could find!
He wanted his wife to be comfortable when she came to visit.
Michelangelo's Pieta
The sculpture was hidden until the burial.
What it revealed was sweet
but the lady was not his wife--
to all the very surprised attendees of the funeral.
The wealthy person had a grave site next to this, but was horrified that he would have to
"look at this pornography" for all of eternity - So he bought a new grave site.
This one might be more 'ordinary'
On to lunch at an old barn - turned into part of a B&B in the granite region.
Rock of Ages Granite Quarry
The world's largest deep hole granite quarry.
The quality is extremely high, very dense, and highly sought after.
The entire region and its economy is centered on this granite.
So interesting to see them cut those huge blocks of granite.
Last stop - a working Maple Farm - Sugar Shack
Fortunately, we were not able to see the process take place.
The season is after winter, after lots of snow, and still very cold.

Artistic wood piles
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