The annual event is a huge crowd gatherer, with parades, lectures, rodeos, and
re-enactments of the Mountain Man period of history (1822-1833).
The Mountain Men, Trappers, Travelers and Indians all traded, sold, and swapped various items such as skins, pelts, guns, jewelry and whatever else they needed every year. The traders then traveled to the east to sell their goods, and the Mountain Men went back to gathering the pelts for the next year.
A colorful and fun parade
The Museum of the Mountain Man
Such good history and displays of the highlights of the times.
He was mauled by a grizzly, left for dead by his companions, but survived and returned.
For my felting and knitting friends, here is a good example of the beginning and ending size of making a felted hat. Many layers and processes of ending up with a hat that was "the fashion statement" of the 1830's