Leaving Eloy- Thankfully, a kind motorist pointed frantically to a problem on the driver side.
Lou saw that the wheel on the trailer was smoking --NOT a good sign!
We managed to limp to a truck stop about a mile away, and camp out there for 2 nights while we found help.
Lou saw that the wheel on the trailer was smoking --NOT a good sign!
We managed to limp to a truck stop about a mile away, and camp out there for 2 nights while we found help.
Getting to the wheel bearing was a "DIRTY JOB"
and needed trips into town to get a big enough tool to pull
the brake drum.
Sure enough, the bearing was shot -
Really Shot!
We were looking for a tow company, but discovered nobody would tow a travel trailer so, I kept calling folks, and
After a couple of 'divinely appointed' phone calls we found a repair shop within walking distance of the lot we were parked in!
Then, another blessing --
Lou contacted the manufacturer of the axel and they are sending
a "good will" offering of a new axel, complete with bearings, and brakes for free!
Can't stay in the truck lot too long so we need to move!
Another big blessing
Lou's cousin Russ Mayer just 'happens to have his fully equipped 5th wheel available for us to use'
What a trip!!
and God had our back the entire time!!
Praise the Lord!!