Imagine an RV spot like this! We are in Salem Massachusetts and the RV park is in a marina.
We are lucky enough to be parked next to the boat ramp and enjoying these views.
If we wish, we will be able to ride the subway into Boston and visit Todd & Julie & Evan.
Otherwise, we battle the traffic with Google's help.
This area was extremely important in the early history of our country. Salem Harbor was a base for privateer's. These were government authorized pirates who would harass the enemy ships. For their efforts they were allowed to keep a large portion of the bounty captured.
This is one of many ammunition bunkers.
By 1790 the famous seaport made the city of Salem the 6th largest city in the world.
The island is called Winter Park/Waikiki Beach.
no kidding!
not quite what we are used to!
The bee stood still for me - well, kind of!
The flowers are pretty, but not a abundant as we would find in 'the other' Waikiki