Started in 1984 by Leonard Knight
He worked on it for 30 years, endured and won battles with the
County of San Diego to keep building his mountain.
Here is an interesting link to the complete story of the battle.
Leonard was so taken with the message that
that he kept building the mountain, getting donations and help from others.
Many parts of the mountain are built with bales of straw
and covered with adobe, then painted with
the pretty colors of paint that have been donated.
(The Slabs)
Slab City (The concrete Slabs) became a collection of squatters, artists, snowbirds
and survivalists after the dismantling of the
Ft Dunlop Marine Base after World War II .
There is no 'official' water or sewer or trash service, but the free area deep in California's Mojave Desert is a favorite getaway for all types of RVers.
Some just come to survive, and others come to enjoy the winter weather.
Slab City has evolved into an active community with a Christian Church,
school busses pick up the kids for school, and water can be delivered in 50 gallon tanks (for those who want to buy).
The huge variety of living facilities (different neighborhoods)
is interesting to see.
Anyone can come!
(there is also a Christian Church)
Even a shoe tree for landscaping.
This little journey has been so interesting, and just 20 miles from our RV Park.