A frequent sighting in Ouray
This one has munched his way along the fence on the side,
now he's heading to the back yard.
The free gondola rides are a treat and the scenery is incrdible.
Note the airport in the distance.
Tanya used to fly in here.
(we don't really know, it just seems like it1)
Such stunning views!
( The back road from Telluride to Ouray)
On to Silverton
In the midst of all these old mines,
a tour is just the thing!
Required apparel
We rode 1/3 mile into the mine,
then walked to see functioning equipment
with audience participation!
These red mountains produced millions in gold ore in the mining era.
This campground has the best view of all!
(maybe next time)
We head back to Utah tomorrow
and we are looking forward to seeing all of you!