The guys had a bit of work on the barn
(to be continued next week)
The door of the shed still needs more work,
shimming and fitting.
The rain quit and the guys worked, and the ladies took a
"Ladies day out"
Queen City Olive Mill
These two stones crushed the olives (skin and seeds included)
and all of the crushed mush (pomace) came out at the bottom
and was carried over to the 'old oak bucket'
Rather like a big colander or sieve--
pomace in top, olive oil drains out.
Today's equipment (aka "The New Stone Mill")
It doesn't look much like the 'old oak bucket' does it?
Then, we get to get a lesson on Olive Oil Tasting
after the tour we (of course) go shop for the
Extra Virgin Olive Oil grown on this property.
End of week two
Restaurant at the SkyDive Arizona
( this is a well known drop zone for skydiving enthusiasts)
Linda Scheideman ( Lou is taking the picture)
Jenny and Dennis Chapman
Mark and Debbie Ford
Bety and Rick Weber
Enjoying the food at the Bent Prop Restaurant