Our visit to Leadville
Includes re-visiting the famous Matchless Mine and the history of
Baby-Doe Tabor (one of the foremost and most famous Women of the West)
and the story of Riches to Rags in the boom/bust wild west mining era.
The mine produced $1.9 billion in 1883,
Horace Tabors assets had made him a billionaire in today's dollars.

Horace and Augusta had been married 25 years
when Horace divorced Augusta and married Baby-Doe.
Horace (eventually) died nearly penniless but Augusta went on to become very wealthy.
Horace and Baby-Doe lived ever so lavishly, enjoying all their extreme wealth until the repeal of the Sherman Act in 1893 which caused the plunge of the silver prices and thereby impoverished most of the miners in that era.
Baby-Doe was ostracized in Denver society, so she returned to Leadville and the Matchless Mine. She believed that the Matchless would produce again.
She lived alone in the cabin for 35 years, became known as the "madwoman", and died penniless. She was found in the cabin frozen to death.
Leadville's Boom Days
In early August the Boom Days includes a Burro Race.
Maybe we'll make is some year.
At any rate, we always enjoy a visit to Leadville.