What a way to spend our 28th anniversary!
A great tour of the 1200 mines in and around Leadville.
It's amazing that all these mines and tailings are so close to town.
What a way to spend our 28th anniversary!
A great tour of the 1200 mines in and around Leadville.
It was thought to have valuable medicinal properties.
Radioactive ore from these mines was packed into pouches and worn around the neck, or it was crushed and mixed into water and consumed as a ‘health tonic.’
By 1950 the US Atomic Energy Commission encouraged the mining of Uranium. Companies were allowed to build roads, dig mines, and construct camps in the National Park. However, little Uranium was found.
I have been wanting to see "The Bear" at Glen Eyrie, but never did.
Today was my lucky day!!
On the way to Yankee Boy Basin, this little guy crossed the road in front of us and stopped his journey down hill to take a look at us. He was young and quite curious. ( and so cute!)
He kept coming a little closer, and was looking like he might jump up on the side of the truck for a handout.
Lou couldn't see him from the drivers side, so he finally took my advice to drive on after I told him that the bear might jump up on the side of the truck.